added better indendentation

John Jekel 5 years ago
parent 9f45fbe4c2
commit 24d818b626
  1. 318

@ -55,212 +55,212 @@
namespace anslatortray
/** \brief Translates a single complex English word to pig latin. (more robust)
* Unlike wordToPig, this function also handles punctuation (not seperated by whitespace), singular possesion ('s) and capatilizes the first letter if the original english word was capatilized.
* \param englishWord An English word to translate
* \return The word in pig latin
inline std::string smartWordToPig(const std::string &englishWord);
/** \brief Uses smartWordToPig and changeWords to perform translation from English to pig latin on every word it is given.
* Replaces all whitespace with a regular space.
* \param englishText The original English text
* \return The text translated to pig latin
inline std::string translate(const std::string &englishText);
/** \brief Translates a single English word to pig latin.
* Moves all constanants until the first vowel to the end of the word and adds "ay".
* Alternativly, if the word starts with a vowel, "way" is added to the end.
* \param englishWord An English word to translate
* \return The word in pig latin
inline std::string wordToPig(const std::string &englishWord);
/** \brief Translates a single complex English word to pig latin. (more robust)
* Unlike wordToPig, this function also handles punctuation (not seperated by whitespace), singular possesion ('s) and capatilizes the first letter if the original english word was capatilized.
* \param englishWord An English word to translate
* \return The word in pig latin
inline std::string smartWordToPig(const std::string &englishWord);
/** \brief Uses smartWordToPig and changeWords to perform translation from English to pig latin on every word it is given.
* Replaces all whitespace with a regular space.
* \param englishText The original English text
* \return The text translated to pig latin
inline std::string translate(const std::string &englishText);
/** \brief Translates a single English word to pig latin.
* Moves all constanants until the first vowel to the end of the word and adds "ay".
* Alternativly, if the word starts with a vowel, "way" is added to the end.
* \param englishWord An English word to translate
* \return The word in pig latin
inline std::string wordToPig(const std::string &englishWord);
//inline constexpr char *wordToPig(char *englishWord);
#if __cplusplus >= 201703L
inline std::string_view wordToPigSV(std::string_view englishWord);
inline std::string_view wordToPigSV(std::string_view englishWord);
/** \brief Uses wordToPig and changeWords to perform dumb translation from English to pig latin on every word it is given.
* Replaces all whitespace with a regular space.
* \param englishText The original English text
* \return The text "translated" to pig latin (no punctuation, uppercase, or possesion support)
inline std::string wordsToPig(const std::string &englishWords);
/** \brief Tries to translate a word in pig latin back to english.
* This is hard to do because diffrent English words can be the same in Pig latin.
* \param pig Word in pig latin
* \param beginningVowels Honestly don't remember
* \return Word in English
inline std::string attemptWordToEnglish(const std::string &pig, std::uint64_t beginningVowels = 1);
/** \brief Helper function to perform an operation on all whitespace-seperated strings given to it.
* Probably could do something better with std::transform
* \param words Words (tokens) seperated by whitespace
* \param wordChanger Function taking a const std::string & as a single parameter and returning a std::string
* \return Words fed through wordChanger with spaces between them
inline std::string changeWords(const std::string &words, std::string wordChanger (const std::string &word));
namespace Characters
namespace Letters
/**< Array containing all upper and lower case letters */
constexpr char ALL[] {"aAbBcCdDeEfFgGhHiIjJkKlLmMnNoOpPqQrRsStTuUvVwWxXyYzZ"};
/**< Array containing all upper and lower case vowels (except for y) */
constexpr char VOWELS[] {"aAeEiIoOuU"};
/**< Array containing upper and lower case y */
constexpr char Y[] {"yY"};
/**< Array containing all upper and lower case vowels (including y) */
constexpr char VOWELS_WITH_Y[] {"aAeEiIoOuUyY"};
/** \brief Uses wordToPig and changeWords to perform dumb translation from English to pig latin on every word it is given.
* Replaces all whitespace with a regular space.
* \param englishText The original English text
* \return The text "translated" to pig latin (no punctuation, uppercase, or possesion support)
inline std::string wordsToPig(const std::string &englishWords);
/** \brief Tries to translate a word in pig latin back to english.
* This is hard to do because diffrent English words can be the same in Pig latin.
* \param pig Word in pig latin
* \param beginningVowels Honestly don't remember
* \return Word in English
inline std::string attemptWordToEnglish(const std::string &pig, std::uint64_t beginningVowels = 1);
/** \brief Helper function to perform an operation on all whitespace-seperated strings given to it.
* Probably could do something better with std::transform
* \param words Words (tokens) seperated by whitespace
* \param wordChanger Function taking a const std::string & as a single parameter and returning a std::string
* \return Words fed through wordChanger with spaces between them
inline std::string changeWords(const std::string &words, std::string wordChanger (const std::string &word));
namespace Characters
namespace Letters
/**< Array containing all upper and lower case letters */
constexpr char ALL[] {"aAbBcCdDeEfFgGhHiIjJkKlLmMnNoOpPqQrRsStTuUvVwWxXyYzZ"};
/**< Array containing all upper and lower case vowels (except for y) */
constexpr char VOWELS[] {"aAeEiIoOuU"};
/**< Array containing upper and lower case y */
constexpr char Y[] {"yY"};
/**< Array containing all upper and lower case vowels (including y) */
constexpr char VOWELS_WITH_Y[] {"aAeEiIoOuUyY"};
namespace anslatortray
std::string wordToPig(const std::string &englishWord)
std::string::size_type result {englishWord.find_first_of(Characters::Letters::VOWELS_WITH_Y)};//fixme depends on word
if (result != std::string::npos)
std::string wordToPig(const std::string &englishWord)
if (result == 0)
return englishWord + "way";
//word without prefix + word until 1st vowel + "ay"
std::string finished {englishWord.substr(result)};
finished += englishWord.substr(0, result);
finished += "ay";
std::string::size_type result {englishWord.find_first_of(Characters::Letters::VOWELS_WITH_Y)};//fixme depends on word
return finished;
if (result != std::string::npos)
if (result == 0)
return englishWord + "way";
//word without prefix + word until 1st vowel + "ay"
std::string finished {englishWord.substr(result)};
finished += englishWord.substr(0, result);
finished += "ay";
return finished;
return englishWord;
return englishWord;
constexpr char *wordToPig(char *englishWord)
auto wordSize {std::strlen(englishWord)};
constexpr char *wordToPig(char *englishWord)
auto wordSize {std::strlen(englishWord)};
auto result {std::find_first_of(englishWord[0], englishWord[wordSize], Characters::Letters::VOWELS_WITH_Y[0], Characters::Letters::VOWELS_WITH_Y[std::strlen(Characters::Letters::VOWELS_WITH_Y)])};
auto result {std::find_first_of(englishWord[0], englishWord[wordSize], Characters::Letters::VOWELS_WITH_Y[0], Characters::Letters::VOWELS_WITH_Y[std::strlen(Characters::Letters::VOWELS_WITH_Y)])};
std::cout << result << std::endl;
std::cout << result << std::endl;
if (result != '\n')
if (result == 0)
return std::strcat(englishWord, "way");
if (result != '\n')
//std::string noPrefix {englishWord.substr(result)};
if (result == 0)
return std::strcat(englishWord, "way");
//std::string noPrefix {englishWord.substr(result)};
//std::string suffix {englishWord.substr(0, result)};
//std::string suffix {englishWord.substr(0, result)};
//suffix += {"ay"};
//suffix += {"ay"};
//std::string finished {noPrefix + suffix};
//std::string finished {noPrefix + suffix};
//std::transform(std::begin(finished), std::end(finished), std::begin(finished), tolower);
//std::transform(std::begin(finished), std::end(finished), std::begin(finished), tolower);
return "not done";
return "not done";
return englishWord;
return englishWord;
std::string smartWordToPig(const std::string &englishWord)
std::string::size_type wordStartIndex {englishWord.find_first_of(Characters::Letters::ALL)};
std::string smartWordToPig(const std::string &englishWord)
std::string::size_type wordStartIndex {englishWord.find_first_of(Characters::Letters::ALL)};
std::string::size_type wordEndIndex {englishWord.find('\'')};
if (wordEndIndex == std::string::npos)
wordEndIndex = {englishWord.find_last_of(Characters::Letters::ALL) + 1};
std::string::size_type wordEndIndex {englishWord.find('\'')};
if (wordEndIndex == std::string::npos)
wordEndIndex = {englishWord.find_last_of(Characters::Letters::ALL) + 1};
std::string pig {wordToPig(englishWord.substr(wordStartIndex, wordEndIndex - wordStartIndex))};//2nd param is count between start and end
std::transform(std::begin(pig), std::end(pig), std::begin(pig), tolower);//make all letters in new word lower for now//fixme why no std::tolower
if (std::isupper(englishWord.substr(wordStartIndex, wordEndIndex - wordStartIndex)[0]))//if original word had capital
pig[0] = {static_cast<char> (std::toupper(pig[0]))};//new word should have capital
std::string pig {wordToPig(englishWord.substr(wordStartIndex, wordEndIndex - wordStartIndex))};//2nd param is count between start and end
std::transform(std::begin(pig), std::end(pig), std::begin(pig), tolower);//make all letters in new word lower for now//fixme why no std::tolower
if (std::isupper(englishWord.substr(wordStartIndex, wordEndIndex - wordStartIndex)[0]))//if original word had capital
pig[0] = {static_cast<char> (std::toupper(pig[0]))};//new word should have capital
//prefix punctuation + pigified word + suffix punctuation
std::string finished {englishWord.substr(0, wordStartIndex)};
finished += pig;
finished += englishWord.substr(wordEndIndex);
//prefix punctuation + pigified word + suffix punctuation
std::string finished {englishWord.substr(0, wordStartIndex)};
finished += pig;
finished += englishWord.substr(wordEndIndex);
return finished;
return finished;
std::string changeWords(const std::string &words, std::string wordChanger (const std::string &word))
std::stringstream wordStream {words};
std::string pigWords {""};
std::string changeWords(const std::string &words, std::string wordChanger (const std::string &word))
std::stringstream wordStream {words};
std::string pigWords {""};
//std::transform(std::istream_iterator<std::string> {wordStream}, {}, std::begin(pigWords), [](std::string word){return wordToPig(word);});
//std::transform(std::istream_iterator<std::string> {wordStream}, {}, std::begin(pigWords), [](std::string word){return wordToPig(word);});
std::string word {""};
std::string word {""};
while (wordStream >> word)
pigWords += wordChanger(word);
pigWords += " ";
while (wordStream >> word)
pigWords += wordChanger(word);
pigWords += " ";
for (std::string &word : wordStream)
pigWords += wordToPig(word);
return pigWords;
for (std::string &word : wordStream)
std::string wordsToPig(const std::string &englishWords)
pigWords += wordToPig(word);
return changeWords(englishWords, wordToPig);
return pigWords;
std::string wordsToPig(const std::string &englishWords)
return changeWords(englishWords, wordToPig);
std::string translate(const std::string &englishText)
return changeWords(englishText, smartWordToPig);
std::string translate(const std::string &englishText)
return changeWords(englishText, smartWordToPig);
std::string attemptWordToEnglish(const std::string &pig, std::uint64_t beginningVowels)
std::string noAy {pig.substr(0, pig.size() - 2)};//try to take of ay
std::string attemptWordToEnglish(const std::string &pig, std::uint64_t beginningVowels)
std::string noAy {pig.substr(0, pig.size() - 2)};//try to take of ay
std::string noPrefix {noAy.substr(0, noAy.size() - beginningVowels)};
std::string prefix {noAy.substr(noAy.size() - beginningVowels)};
std::string noPrefix {noAy.substr(0, noAy.size() - beginningVowels)};
std::string prefix {noAy.substr(noAy.size() - beginningVowels)};
return prefix + noPrefix;
return prefix + noPrefix;
#if __cplusplus >= 201703L
